How to play? Be careful with your life is the red bar !! Eat plankton and grow Approach smaller fish and harm them to finish them dominate the small territory and be the largest fish but do not forget to eat grass and maintain their well-being. Have children as a protection measure since they will accompany you on your trip. The game may have delays on devices with less than 1GB of RAM !!
Fruit Shoot Boom
Mouse Jigsaw
Basketball Bounce
Candy Monster
Gift Of Alchemy
Biggy Race
Desert Rush
Halloween Blast
Penalty Challenge Multiplayer
Avocado Mother
Fun Monsters Jigsaw
King of Drag
Bubble Shooter Halloween
Snake and Ladders Multiplayer
Horse Rider
Rob Runner
Kinder Egg Surprise
Mission To Mars
Truck Racing Differences
Tattoo Salon
Zombie X City Apocalypse
the last spartan
Call On Duty Sniper Assassin
Offroad Oil Tanker Truck Drive
What's Next?
Angry Fun Zombies
Girl Adventurer
Dead Zombie Hunting
Paint them all